Ahh yes...I;m finally back from my swimming competition...it was a horrible 4days 3night competition..but in the end all my time inproved..well...except one..it maintain=(..Oh well,you can't always get what you want right...Now my body feels like it can break anytime..soooo tired..Hoping my parents will go somewhere quite for the holidays..3days of screaming and laughing is WOW...>.>..
waking up at 5a.m is no fun..staying up for 16-18hours a day was the worst..I had to stay awake so that i don't miss my events..going back to the hotel was worst..The room was not ment to be called a "room"..I think you should call it a closet..=.=..it was really
small.....I tooked quite a lot of pictures..but don't have the energy to upload it yet...too tired..
Wish my cousin would come tomorrow..it's been a while since I see you Yuet Mei..and almost my best friend Yu Quin...Miss you gals soooo much!!!-hugs...-Ok..I'm gonna K.O soon..so night night bloggers...shall blog bout something really interesting next time...so yeah..NIGHT=)