Sunday, March 1, 2009

They grow up so fast...

Everything pass very fast if we enjoy that moment...those are the moments that you'll cherish forever...this are a few moments that I'll cherish forever.

This is the daddy of four special rabbits..and it was my first pet rabbit..^^and the dog is his best buddy...

Here they are...four beautiful
bunnies from heaven...(9days old)

And so..seconds are too fast..
Hours are too short...
Days are too fast...and here
are...11days old...

And the more love I gave them..
The faster time runs...since
the mom abandon them..I
look after them like their
my own child..(altought I
don't have one yet..)
(13days old..)

Here they are...16days old...I still remember the first time I carry them.. they were so small I could carry two in each hand...and they were pinky coloured...(furless..>.<..)I still remember when they started crawing... than sitting...and now...hopping...(giggles..)It was fun watching them here they are...bright,happy,naughty,furry and most of all... SUPER CUTE!!!

The mom is brown..
the dad is brown..
but here's a white!!
Little Vanilla...

And the bunny who
runs after the camera..

Always looking as sweet
and gentle

AND last but not least...
the cute...yet cheeky

With love..with care...with all the time I gave them...I won't ask anything in repay...having them by my side is enough to make me smile...giggle.. and laugh...^^...Aishiteru bunnies!!!(I love you bunnies...)


  1. so nice la the photo!! no wonder so clear..sure nt captured by my phone la...haha!!

  2. super super cute!!!!! =)make me hope and wish they are all mine. haha
