Friday, May 15, 2009

A good day..=)..Part2

Ok..this is the last part for 9th May(saturday)=)...Let's continue!!!

Ok..When I was walking around the monkey bars..I saw a strange thing..o.o..It just grow in a straight line..0.0..

See what I mean!!!!0.0.

After my warm up..Than I went for my competitions!!XD..I really gave the best I could..=)..and it was worth it...=)..When I told it to my parents they just say "Oh..ok.."Whats that about..-.-

Than after my competition..I went to warm down..and took out my camera again!!!=)A few funny moments.

Yummy..=)...first time I hear lunch break only short!!How am I gonna find food in 15minutes???no time to shit also...LOL...

Luckly!!!Kimberlly's...(Da' girl eating...)mom went to buy McDonalds..and I odered two sets..o.o..I gave her da' money..and when she came back she gave me back da' money and gave me the McDonalds for free...!!!Soooo good...Thank you aunty...=)

He looks so blur..xD...I wonder whats he thinking???and congratulaions to him cause he got promoted to team...yeah...same as Kimberlly too..=)

Pictures taken by my friend..:


A picture of me "staring" at something....=P
One of the tired swimmer...but I heard that he has dengue fever...he looks really sick on that day...Get well soon buddy..=)..

This is what normally the swimmers do while waiting for their events..=)

Draw...plsying with phone...sleeping...well not really sleeping..but rather reasting to save energy for the next evennts..^^

In the black pants is Neena..and in the blue jacket is a very fast swimmer...Amanda Pasoa Lee..(Don't know I spell her name right anot>.<..but she's always winning cool...

Words written on Neena's leg...woah...0.0..
Smile guys!!!
Everyone seems so tired at this point..even I myself was tired>.>...
Neena telling jokes I think..she's super funny..XD...
And this is what the younger kids play with when waiting for their events..
It's some kinda's very cheap..about RM0.20 one tube..and you just gotta blow careful not to burst it!!the bigger the more fun..=D
Then when I was resting..I keep staring at the sky..0.0..
This pictures of the sky is taken when i was lying quite out of angle...>.<.. truth why I said I keep looking at the sky..It looks like someone had made a hole there..0.0..

And the last picture of the day is...

Neena in blue-green shirt and me in da' red one..=)
Bye bye...xD...


  1. hahaha...u use the kim's photo fr the 'bye bye' one...haha!! and...u haven load other pictures yet rite?? with ezzati one..wen goin bak time

  2. REPLY-peck yin-
    I dun wan upload cannot meh...=.=...

  3. now exam rite?? gud luck in ur exam!

  4. REPLY-peck yin-
    thanks:)..same to you too...
